Please start by removing all your clothes!'

I was utterly amazed. What could such a gesture do to prove that I respected her? But we had also talked of obedience and I was obliged to do as she had told me. Oddly enough, despite my inital astonishment I felt a thrill of excitement course through my limbs as I began to undress in front of her.

Soon I was naked before her, standing awkwardly, self-consciously, but aware that my body was not unworthy of me and that I had nothing to be ashamed of. Aunt Maria surveyed me from head to foot, a mixture of satisfaction and slight disdain in her eyes. It seemed that my physical appearance lived up to expectations, but that she had an overriding disinterest in the male body. These thoughts were confirmed by her words.

'I suppose you'd be considered an attractive physical specimen,' she said. 'I think the girls will be able to make good use of you. But don't get any silly ideas about putting your masculinity into use here. I got tired of that years ago when my husband was still alive.'

I was beginning to understand her feelings but the words about the girls making 'use' of me were mystifying. If I couldn't put my masculinity 'into use', then how could I be of any 'use' to the girls?

She could see the mystification in my face. 'You don't understand? Then perhaps I should explain. You see the girls get frustrated from


time to time, I don't want to lose them so I have occasionally to defer to them. I've trained them in a bisexual direction some people would say lesbianbut they still have an occasional hankering after men. Oh, don't get any wrong ideas! It's not intercourse they want as you'll see shortly."

It still wasn't clear to me and my thoughts turned to my aunt's own attractions. Standing there completely naked had inevitably made me much more conscious of my sexuality than at any time since coming to my aunt's house, and somehow I began to think of her for the first time as an object of that sexuality, despite what she had just said.

It is a strange thing but I could have been in her presence for years without any such thing happening, but once I was naked in her presence my interest in her physically was aroused. What was it about her that had almost suddenly begun to make me think of her in such a light?

She was well-built with large breasts and shapely, rather heavy legs, strong and powerful. She had an air of matronly dominance a out her that. I suddenly found appealing in my defenceless, naked state. Although I had no thoughts of making love to her, no particular desire to have intercourse with her, I felt a need for some sort of physical contact with her, felt it almost urgently. And it was this feeling of desire to be in physical contact with her that must have triggered off my sexuality, slowly making me tumescent, my prick hardening in front